vineri, 24 iunie 2011

The man that had no music in himself...

A man that in his time knows not of music, appears strong, but shallow none the less. His life is filled with wretchedness and sorrow, for keeping distance out on such a bless. 
Some people think music is a disease, although it never kills or makes you sneeze. But how can guiding light become a plague? If music brings me harm I'd rather suffer, than live deprived of meaning in this life. Because music is a companion like no other. To me music became a way of life, to others it may seem a waste of time. You can decide which is the one that's wrong, just try and think about your favorite song, the one that's now describing you the best, that shows that you are different from the rest.  If I would talk of what I think of music, I'd say that it is similar to love. And so I think that music is a feeling. A gift bestowed upon us from above. They say that he who never felt love, never knew life in it's true nature, but that person never faced the pain of a broken heart either. When hope fades away and tears flow slowly but for a long time like a soft spring rain, a lot of people are overwhelmed by the pain and get lost in the game of life and time. Sometimes, there are people that manage to get through those times, and, like roses after a storm, those people grow, become more mature and bloom stronger than ever. But, with time, the conscience slowly catches up to those people, it eats away at the depths of their souls like a disease, and in the end, it opens up the wounds hidden deep within the hearts of these people. The strongest are always destined to bare suffering like no other, to endure this never ending cycle and never be able to run away from it. It's all the same when it comes down to music. There are a lot of things that music taught me, like when I'm right, or when I need a change, to stand my ground if it's an honest fight, to never quit when everything seems strange. For every single feeling there's a song. If there's a burden you've been bearing, listening to a song that reflects your feelings at that time makes you feel like there's someone out there that understands exactly what you're going through, someone that probably faced the same hardships you are facing now, and he was so low that everyone had given up on him, but, somehow, he realized that he was in the lowest point of his existence, and the only way left for him to go was up. So he stood up, he started climbing the stairs of life once again, and even if he's not always by your side' the legacy of his songs will always be there for you. Although music is a life support that helps you through tough times, there is so much more to it's meaning. For example music is a way to keep a party standing, and it's really hard to imagine any celebration without music. I can't really imagine what a man that doesn't realize the beauty of music would be like and neither can I try to understand him, but what I really understand, is the sadness of the life that man leads. William Shakespeare perfectly captures the tragedy that the stray man faces, a life of betrayal, for he will never realize the wickedness that surrounds him until he experiences it first-hand, he will become lonely, burdened by all of the questions that yearn for an answer in his heart and torn apart by having nobody to answer them. In my opinion, the existence of the person that resigns music, along with the powerful influence it has, still remains a fiction. But, if there is such a person, I wish that he may one day wake up from the nightmare that he's living, stop the running, fight the fear, and find a purpose worth believing. To conclude my opinion, I think that nothing in nature is immune to music's ability to stir the emotions of living beings.

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